Swellable seals for concrete structures
Looking for a solution to make concrete structures waterproof? As a manufacturer of high-quality sealants, we offer a complete and reliable solution for your project with our revolutionary and patented Bekina BeSealed swelling products.
Why choose Bekina BeSealed® swellable seals?
✔ A global reference for over 25 years
✔ Tested and approved by renowned test laboratories
✔ High quality and long lifespan
✔ Active sealing technology

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Where are Bekina BeSealed® Products used?
The swellable seals of Bekina BeSealed are used in a wide range of applications for concrete structures. Perhaps without realizing it, everyone comes across applications in which our products are integrated. Our products are used in tunnels, bridges and dams, but also in swimming pools, underground structures and more.